Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2025-01-13 19:08:36 (GMT)
M 0.9
38.3978° N
21.9753° E
 Focal Depth
8 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 19.0 km NNW of Aegion
27.1 km NE of Patras
160.4 km WNW of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

PYRGCL3.9 69 P19:08:37.91 0.01.0M
PYRGCL3.9 69 S19:08:39.22 0.01.0M
TRIZCL9.2113 P19:08:38.39 0.01.0M
TRIZCL9.2113 S19:08:40.18 0.01.0M
DIMTCL17.8160 P19:08:39.88 0.21.0M
DIMTCL17.8160 S19:08:42.26 -0.21.0M
ANXHP22.2348 P19:08:40.59 0.11.0M
ANXHP22.2348 S19:08:43.88 -0.11.0M

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2025axjx
      region name: Greece
    Date                   2025-01-13
    Time                  19:08:36.06
    Latitude              38.3978 deg  +/-      1 km
    Longitude             21.9753 deg  +/-      1 km
    Depth                       8 km   +/-    1 km
    Agency                 HA
    Author                 A. Karakonstantis
    Mode                   manual
    Status                 confirmed
    Residual RMS             0.10 s
    Azimuthal gap             187 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       0.87 +/- 0.38   4            
    M         0.87            4 preferred  

8 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    PYRG  CL    0.0  69  P       19:08:37.91   0.0 M  1.0  PYRG 
    PYRG  CL    0.0  69  S       19:08:39.22  -0.0 M  1.0  PYRG 
    TRIZ  CL    0.1 113  P       19:08:38.39   0.0 M  1.0  TRIZ 
    TRIZ  CL    0.1 113  S       19:08:40.18   0.0 M  1.0  TRIZ 
    DIMT  CL    0.2 160  P       19:08:39.88   0.2 M  1.0  DIMT 
    DIMT  CL    0.2 160  S       19:08:42.26  -0.2 M  1.0  DIMT 
    ANX   HP    0.2 348  P       19:08:40.59   0.1 M  1.0  ANX  
    ANX   HP    0.2 348  S       19:08:43.88  -0.1 M  1.0  ANX  

4 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    PYRG  CL    0.0  69  MLv     0.34 -0.54   0.087208      
    TRIZ  CL    0.1 113  MLv     0.82 -0.05   0.311952      
    DIMT  CL    0.2 160  MLv     1.41  0.54   0.739136      
    ANX   HP    0.2 348  MLv     0.92  0.05   0.183331