Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2025-01-11 22:23:54 (GMT)
M 1.7
40.3111° N
24.1300° E
 Focal Depth
4 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 12.2 km NW of Kariai
59.0 km E of Poliyiros
261.1 km N of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

HMT1HT11.6121 P22:23:56.45 -0.11.0A
OURHT12.8281 P22:23:56.85 0.01.0A
GR091Y53.9316 P22:24:03.69 0.11.0A
PAIGHT56.8223 P22:24:04.41 0.41.0A
PLGHL58.5277 P22:24:04.00 -0.41.0A
GR131Y80.2274 P22:24:07.42 -0.51.0A
HORTHT92.8290 P22:24:10.21 0.21.0A
SRSHT99.9333 P22:24:11.73 0.61.0A
LIAHL100.5117 P22:24:11.45 0.11.0A
PRASHL121.1 17 P22:24:14.05 -0.41.0A

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2025atzj
      region name: Aegean Sea
    Date                   2025-01-11
    Time                  22:23:53.88  +/-    0.6 s
    Latitude              40.3111 deg  +/-      4 km
    Longitude             24.1300 deg  +/-      3 km
    Depth                       4 km   +/-    8 km
    Agency                 HA
    Mode                   automatic
    Status                 NOT SET
    Residual RMS             0.34 s
    Azimuthal gap             102 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       1.74 +/- 0.18   6            
    M         1.74            6 preferred  

10 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    HMT1  HT    0.1 121  P       22:23:56.45  -0.1 A  1.0  HMT1 
    OUR   HT    0.1 281  P       22:23:56.85   0.0 A  1.0  OUR  
    GR09  1Y    0.5 316  P       22:24:03.69   0.1 A  1.0  GR09 
    PAIG  HT    0.5 223  P       22:24:04.41   0.4 A  1.0  PAIG 
    PLG   HL    0.5 277  P       22:24:04.00  -0.4 A  1.0  PLG  
    GR13  1Y    0.7 274  P       22:24:07.42  -0.5 A  1.0  GR13 
    HORT  HT    0.8 290  P       22:24:10.21   0.2 A  1.0  HORT 
    SRS   HT    0.9 333  P       22:24:11.73   0.6 A  1.0  SRS  
    LIA   HL    0.9 117  P       22:24:11.45   0.1 A  1.0  LIA  
    PRAS  HL    1.1  17  P       22:24:14.05  -0.4 A  1.0  PRAS 

6 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    HMT1  HT    0.1 121  MLv     1.53 -0.21    1.38085      
    OUR   HT    0.1 281  MLv     1.41 -0.33   0.971191      
    GR09  1Y    0.5 316  MLv     1.77  0.03   0.210501      
    PAIG  HT    0.5 223  MLv     1.99  0.25   0.230261      
    PLG   HL    0.5 277  MLv     1.80  0.06   0.173271      
    GR13  1Y    0.7 274  MLv     1.87  0.13   0.146754