Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2025-01-01 02:29:45 (GMT)
M 0.7
38.5387° N
21.6290° E
 Focal Depth
11 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 25.7 km NE of Mesolonghi
30.4 km SSW of Karpenision
193.8 km WNW of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

PVOHP12.5313 P02:29:48.23 0.01.0M
PVOHP12.5313 S02:29:50.62 0.11.0M
AGRPCL17.9153 P02:29:48.61 -0.41.0M
AGRPCL17.9153 S02:29:51.85 0.01.0M
VVKHP20.5129 P02:29:49.81 0.41.0M
VVKHP20.5129 S02:29:52.69 0.01.0M
PLEVHP23.9234 P02:29:49.72 -0.11.0M
PLEVHP23.9234 S02:29:53.25 -0.21.0M
ANXHP26.1 77 P02:29:50.49 0.11.0M
ANXHP26.1 77 S02:29:54.07 -0.21.0M
EFPHP27.1117 P02:29:50.71 0.31.0M
EFPHP27.1117 S02:29:54.48 0.11.0M
ROD3CL34.4138 P02:29:52.46 0.91.0M
ROD3CL34.4138 S02:29:56.60 0.11.0M
PDOHP39.3280 P02:29:52.61 0.31.0M
PDOHP39.3280 S02:29:57.78 -0.11.0M
TRIZCL43.2116 P02:29:53.20 0.31.0M
TRIZCL43.2116 S02:29:58.83 -0.11.0M
KALEHA47.4110 P02:29:53.79 0.11.0M
KALEHA47.4110 S02:30:00.19 -0.11.0M
GR241Y51.9 71 P02:29:54.24 -0.21.0M
GR241Y51.9 71 S02:30:01.35 -0.21.0M
PSARCL52.8116 P02:29:55.09 0.61.0M
PSARCL52.8116 S02:30:01.79 0.21.0M
KLVHL71.4140 P02:29:58.19 0.71.0M
KLVHL71.4140 S02:30:07.27 0.41.0M

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2025aaey
      region name: Greece
    Date                   2025-01-01
    Time                  02:29:45.10
    Latitude              38.5387 deg  +/-      0 km
    Longitude             21.6290 deg  +/-      0 km
    Depth                      11 km   +/-    0 km
    Agency                 HA
    Author                 A. Karakonstantis
    Mode                   manual
    Status                 confirmed
    Residual RMS             0.19 s
    Azimuthal gap             118 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       0.70 +/- 0.23  11            
    M         0.70           11 preferred  

26 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    PVO   HP    0.1 313  P       02:29:48.23   0.0 M  1.0  PVO  
    PVO   HP    0.1 313  S       02:29:50.62   0.1 M  1.0  PVO  
    AGRP  CL    0.2 153  P       02:29:48.61  -0.4 M  1.0  AGRP 
    AGRP  CL    0.2 153  S       02:29:51.85  -0.0 M  1.0  AGRP 
    VVK   HP    0.2 129  P       02:29:49.81   0.4 M  1.0  VVK  
    VVK   HP    0.2 129  S       02:29:52.69  -0.0 M  1.0  VVK  
    PLEV  HP    0.2 234  P       02:29:49.72  -0.1 M  1.0  PLEV 
    PLEV  HP    0.2 234  S       02:29:53.25  -0.2 M  1.0  PLEV 
    ANX   HP    0.2  77  P       02:29:50.49   0.1 M  1.0  ANX  
    ANX   HP    0.2  77  S       02:29:54.07  -0.2 M  1.0  ANX  
    EFP   HP    0.2 117  P       02:29:50.71   0.3 M  1.0  EFP  
    EFP   HP    0.2 117  S       02:29:54.48   0.1 M  1.0  EFP  
    ROD3  CL    0.3 138  P       02:29:52.46   0.9 M  1.0  ROD3 
    ROD3  CL    0.3 138  S       02:29:56.60   0.1 M  1.0  ROD3 
    PDO   HP    0.4 280  P       02:29:52.61   0.3 M  1.0  PDO  
    PDO   HP    0.4 280  S       02:29:57.78  -0.1 M  1.0  PDO  
    TRIZ  CL    0.4 116  P       02:29:53.20   0.3 M  1.0  TRIZ 
    TRIZ  CL    0.4 116  S       02:29:58.83  -0.1 M  1.0  TRIZ 
    KALE  HA    0.4 110  P       02:29:53.79   0.1 M  1.0  KALE 
    KALE  HA    0.4 110  S       02:30:00.19  -0.1 M  1.0  KALE 
    GR24  1Y    0.5  71  P       02:29:54.24  -0.2 M  1.0  GR24 
    GR24  1Y    0.5  71  S       02:30:01.35  -0.2 M  1.0  GR24 
    PSAR  CL    0.5 116  P       02:29:55.09   0.6 M  1.0  PSAR 
    PSAR  CL    0.5 116  S       02:30:01.79   0.2 M  1.0  PSAR 
    KLV   HL    0.6 140  P       02:29:58.19   0.7 M  1.0  KLV  
    KLV   HL    0.6 140  S       02:30:07.27   0.4 M  1.0  KLV  

13 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    PVO   HP    0.1 313  MLv     0.75  0.05   0.218111      
    AGRP  CL    0.2 153  MLv     0.47 -0.24   0.0832775      
    VVK   HP    0.2 129  MLv    -0.10 -0.81   0.0898012      
    PLEV  HP    0.2 234  MLv     0.72  0.01   0.105082      
    ANX   HP    0.2  77  MLv     0.74  0.04   0.0977593      
    EFP   HP    0.2 117  MLv     0.48 -0.22   0.050319      
    ROD3  CL    0.3 138  MLv     0.78  0.08   0.100691      
    PDO   HP    0.4 280  MLv     0.97  0.26   0.0765918      
    TRIZ  CL    0.4 116  MLv     0.79  0.09   0.0408192      
    KALE  HA    0.4 110  MLv     0.90  0.20   0.0411874      
    GR24  1Y    0.5  71  MLv     0.91  0.21   0.0327476      
    PSAR  CL    0.5 116  MLv    -0.83 -1.53   0.000560775      
    KLV   HL    0.6 140  MLv     1.30  0.60   0.0336007