Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2024-12-17 21:01:45 (GMT)
M 1.8
39.3627° N
25.9545° E
 Focal Depth
2 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 33.5 km NW of Mitilini
86.2 km SE of Limnos
246.4 km NE of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

SIGRHT18.9207 P21:01:49.21 0.31.0A
LES3HT20.5109 P21:01:49.25 0.01.0A
PRKHL29.7116 P21:01:50.82 0.11.0A
AMPKHT45.9138 P21:01:53.18 -0.31.0A
LIAHL89.0312 P21:01:59.62 -1.11.0A
CHOSHT108.8176 P21:02:03.90 -0.21.0A
GR051Y170.2350 P21:02:12.72 -0.21.0A
THASHT173.8323 P21:02:13.79 0.31.0A
OURHT200.0303 P21:02:17.69 0.61.0A
RDOHL201.3350 P21:02:17.67 0.51.0A

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2024ysxf
      region name: Aegean Sea
    Date                   2024-12-17
    Time                  21:01:45.30  +/-    0.3 s
    Latitude              39.3627 deg  +/-      3 km
    Longitude             25.9545 deg  +/-      4 km
    Depth                       2 km
    Agency                 HA
    Mode                   automatic
    Status                 NOT SET
    Residual RMS             0.47 s
    Azimuthal gap             119 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       1.83 +/- 0.33   6            
    M         1.83            6 preferred  

12 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    SIGR  HT    0.2 207  P       21:01:49.21   0.3 A  1.0  SIGR 
    LES3  HT    0.2 109  P       21:01:49.25   0.0 A  1.0  LES3 
    PRK   HL    0.3 116  P       21:01:50.82   0.1 A  1.0  PRK  
    AMPK  HT    0.4 138  P       21:01:53.18  -0.3 A  1.0  AMPK 
    LIA   HL    0.8 312  P       21:01:59.62  -1.1 A  1.0  LIA  
    CHOS  HT    1.0 176  P       21:02:03.90  -0.2 A  1.0  CHOS 
    GR05  1Y    1.5 350  P       21:02:12.72  -0.2 A  1.0  GR05 
    THAS  HT    1.6 323  P       21:02:13.79   0.3 A  1.0  THAS 
    SMG   HL    1.8 157  P       21:02:20.01   3.0 AX 0.0  SMG  
    OUR   HT    1.8 303  P       21:02:17.69   0.6 A  1.0  OUR  
    RDO   HL    1.8 350  P       21:02:17.67   0.5 A  1.0  RDO  
    GR22  1Y    2.4 265  P       21:02:22.63  -3.5 AX 0.0  GR22 

6 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    SIGR  HT    0.2 207  MLv     2.09  0.26    3.31133      
    LES3  HT    0.2 109  MLv     1.42 -0.41   0.641571      
    PRK   HL    0.3 116  MLv     1.74 -0.09    0.79424      
    AMPK  HT    0.4 138  MLv     2.09  0.26   0.700497      
    LIA   HL    0.8 312  MLv     1.42 -0.41   0.0946403      
    CHOS  HT    1.0 176  MLv     2.13  0.30    0.19152