Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2024-12-11 18:44:54 (GMT)
M 1.6
37.1195° N
21.9771° E
 Focal Depth
10 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 15.1 km NW of Kalamata
40.5 km W of Sparti
182.2 km WSW of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

ITMHL8.0325 P18:44:56.79 -0.71.0A
PYLHP32.5220 P18:45:01.20 -0.11.0A
VLXHP45.2 52 P18:45:02.78 -0.51.0A
GR311Y49.2101 P18:45:03.87 0.01.0A
GR331Y50.8141 P18:45:04.13 0.01.0A
GR321Y91.3100 P18:45:10.53 0.01.0A
DROHP95.5346 P18:45:12.23 1.11.0A
GURHP96.4 19 P18:45:11.08 -0.21.0A
VLIHL97.1117 P18:45:11.79 0.41.0A
KLVHL103.9 8 P18:45:12.48 0.11.0A

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2024yhtr
      region name: Southern Greece
    Date                   2024-12-11
    Time                  18:44:54.49  +/-    0.4 s
    Latitude              37.1195 deg  +/-      3 km
    Longitude             21.9771 deg  +/-      4 km
    Depth                      10 km
    Agency                 HA
    Mode                   automatic
    Status                 NOT SET
    Residual RMS             0.46 s
    Azimuthal gap             105 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       1.55 +/- 0.14   6            
    M         1.55            6 preferred  

10 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    ITM   HL    0.1 325  P       18:44:56.79  -0.7 A  1.0  ITM  
    PYL   HP    0.3 220  P       18:45:01.20  -0.1 A  1.0  PYL  
    VLX   HP    0.4  52  P       18:45:02.78  -0.5 A  1.0  VLX  
    GR31  1Y    0.4 101  P       18:45:03.87  -0.0 A  1.0  GR31 
    GR33  1Y    0.5 141  P       18:45:04.13  -0.0 A  1.0  GR33 
    GR32  1Y    0.8 100  P       18:45:10.53  -0.0 A  1.0  GR32 
    DRO   HP    0.9 346  P       18:45:12.23   1.1 A  1.0  DRO  
    GUR   HP    0.9  19  P       18:45:11.08  -0.2 A  1.0  GUR  
    VLI   HL    0.9 117  P       18:45:11.79   0.4 A  1.0  VLI  
    KLV   HL    0.9   8  P       18:45:12.48   0.1 A  1.0  KLV  

8 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    ITM   HL    0.1 325  MLv     1.60  0.05    2.00272      
    PYL   HP    0.3 220  MLv     1.88  0.33   0.370402      
    VLX   HP    0.4  52  MLv     1.12 -0.43   0.0776099      
    GR31  1Y    0.4 101  MLv     1.69  0.13   0.227133      
    GR33  1Y    0.5 141  MLv     1.40 -0.15   0.107612      
    GR32  1Y    0.8 100  MLv     1.61  0.06   0.071406      
    DRO   HP    0.9 346  MLv     1.35 -0.21   0.0772795      
    GUR   HP    0.9  19  MLv     1.68  0.12   0.0789045