Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2024-12-05 02:58:35 (GMT)
M 2.2
40.4970° N
26.4802° E
 Focal Depth
21 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 64.3 km SE of Alexandroupolis
81.1 km E of Samothraki
366.1 km NE of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

GR051Y85.0299 P02:58:48.61 -0.81.0M
GR051Y85.0299 S02:59:00.63 0.31.0M
GR061Y95.2349 P02:58:50.57 -0.41.0M
GR061Y95.2349 S02:59:03.10 0.01.0M
RDOHL107.3312 P02:58:52.50 -0.31.0M
RDOHL107.3312 S02:59:06.60 0.31.0M
GR041Y138.6293 P02:58:57.58 0.01.0M
GR041Y138.6293 S02:59:14.70 0.01.0M
PRKHL140.4188 P02:58:57.93 0.21.0M
PRKHL140.4188 S02:59:14.98 0.01.0M
KDZBS158.2323 P02:59:00.40 0.31.0M
KDZBS158.2323 S02:59:19.21 0.11.0M
AMPKHT160.7185 P02:59:00.13 -0.21.0M
AMPKHT160.7185 S02:59:19.63 0.01.0M
PRASHL188.0300 P02:59:04.27 0.31.0M
PRASHL188.0300 S02:59:25.67 -0.31.0M
NVRHL239.2293 P02:59:10.64 0.11.0M
NVRHL239.2293 S02:59:36.99 -0.61.0M

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2024xvpl
      region name: Turkey
    Date                   2024-12-05
    Time                  02:58:34.96
    Latitude              40.4970 deg  +/-      1 km
    Longitude             26.4802 deg  +/-      1 km
    Depth                      21 km   +/-    1 km
    Agency                 HA
    Author                 A. Karakonstantis
    Mode                   manual
    Status                 confirmed
    Residual RMS             0.23 s
    Azimuthal gap             196 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       2.23 +/- 0.08   7            
    M         2.23            7 preferred  

18 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    GR05  1Y    0.8 299  P       02:58:48.61  -0.8 M  1.0  GR05 
    GR05  1Y    0.8 299  S       02:59:00.63   0.3 M  1.0  GR05 
    GR06  1Y    0.9 349  P       02:58:50.57  -0.4 M  1.0  GR06 
    GR06  1Y    0.9 349  S       02:59:03.10   0.0 M  1.0  GR06 
    RDO   HL    1.0 312  P       02:58:52.50  -0.3 M  1.0  RDO  
    RDO   HL    1.0 312  S       02:59:06.60   0.3 M  1.0  RDO  
    GR04  1Y    1.2 293  P       02:58:57.58   0.0 M  1.0  GR04 
    GR04  1Y    1.2 293  S       02:59:14.70   0.0 M  1.0  GR04 
    PRK   HL    1.3 188  P       02:58:57.93   0.2 M  1.0  PRK  
    PRK   HL    1.3 188  S       02:59:14.98   0.0 M  1.0  PRK  
    KDZ   BS    1.4 323  P       02:59:00.40   0.3 M  1.0  KDZ  
    KDZ   BS    1.4 323  S       02:59:19.21   0.1 M  1.0  KDZ  
    AMPK  HT    1.4 185  P       02:59:00.13  -0.2 M  1.0  AMPK 
    AMPK  HT    1.4 185  S       02:59:19.63   0.0 M  1.0  AMPK 
    PRAS  HL    1.7 300  P       02:59:04.27   0.3 M  1.0  PRAS 
    PRAS  HL    1.7 300  S       02:59:25.67  -0.3 M  1.0  PRAS 
    NVR   HL    2.2 293  P       02:59:10.64   0.1 M  1.0  NVR  
    NVR   HL    2.2 293  S       02:59:36.99  -0.6 M  1.0  NVR  

9 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    GR05  1Y    0.8 299  MLv     1.93 -0.30   0.160374      
    GR06  1Y    0.9 349  MLv     2.23  0.00   0.284522      
    RDO   HL    1.0 312  MLv     2.25  0.02   0.177277      
    GR04  1Y    1.2 293  MLv     2.22 -0.01   0.169477      
    PRK   HL    1.3 188  MLv     2.26  0.03   0.179464      
    KDZ   BS    1.4 323  MLv     2.51  0.28   0.260959      
    AMPK  HT    1.4 185  MLv     2.30  0.07   0.157741      
    PRAS  HL    1.7 300  MLv     2.05 -0.18   0.0649096      
    NVR   HL    2.2 293  MLv     2.28  0.05   0.0452889