Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2024-07-24 06:20:23 (GMT)
M 1.9
40.3117° N
24.0592° E
 Focal Depth
10 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 17.6 km WNW of Kariai
53.1 km E of Poliyiros
260.4 km N of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

OURHT7.0289 P06:20:25.20 -0.51.0A
GR091Y49.9321 P06:20:32.29 -0.11.0A
PLGHL52.6278 P06:20:32.56 -0.31.0A
PAIGHT52.9218 P06:20:32.54 -0.31.0A
KOKKHT56.5355 P06:20:32.96 -0.51.0A
THASHT64.8 59 P06:20:34.83 0.11.0A
GR131Y74.2274 P06:20:36.15 -0.11.0A
HORTHT87.2292 P06:20:39.83 1.61.0A
GR041Y106.6 45 P06:20:40.72 -0.61.0A
GR051Y144.0 64 P06:20:47.25 0.81.0A

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2024olar
      region name: Aegean Sea
    Date                   2024-07-24
    Time                  06:20:22.89  +/-    0.5 s
    Latitude              40.3117 deg  +/-      5 km
    Longitude             24.0592 deg  +/-      3 km
    Depth                      10 km
    Agency                 HA
    Mode                   automatic
    Status                 NOT SET
    Residual RMS             0.64 s
    Azimuthal gap             154 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       1.91 +/- 0.29   7            
    M         1.91            7 preferred  

10 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    OUR   HT    0.1 289  P       06:20:25.20  -0.5 A  1.0  OUR  
    GR09  1Y    0.4 321  P       06:20:32.29  -0.1 A  1.0  GR09 
    PLG   HL    0.5 278  P       06:20:32.56  -0.3 A  1.0  PLG  
    PAIG  HT    0.5 218  P       06:20:32.54  -0.3 A  1.0  PAIG 
    KOKK  HT    0.5 355  P       06:20:32.96  -0.5 A  1.0  KOKK 
    THAS  HT    0.6  59  P       06:20:34.83   0.1 A  1.0  THAS 
    GR13  1Y    0.7 274  P       06:20:36.15  -0.1 A  1.0  GR13 
    HORT  HT    0.8 292  P       06:20:39.83   1.6 A  1.0  HORT 
    GR04  1Y    1.0  45  P       06:20:40.72  -0.6 A  1.0  GR04 
    GR05  1Y    1.3  64  P       06:20:47.25   0.8 A  1.0  GR05 

7 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    OUR   HT    0.1 289  MLv     1.61 -0.31    2.12309      
    GR09  1Y    0.4 321  MLv     2.27  0.35   0.829281      
    PLG   HL    0.5 278  MLv     2.13  0.21   0.516975      
    PAIG  HT    0.5 218  MLv     1.70 -0.21   0.146793      
    KOKK  HT    0.5 355  MLv     1.88 -0.03   0.236005      
    THAS  HT    0.6  59  MLv     2.29  0.37   0.458675      
    GR13  1Y    0.7 274  MLv     1.41 -0.50   0.0550279