Earthquake Information
 Origin Time
2024-07-06 19:06:48 (GMT)
M 1.9
37.8141° N
21.1636° E
 Focal Depth
10 km
 # of Arrivals
 Location 13.2 km SW of Andravida
23.7 km E of Zakynthos
226.3 km W of Athens
 Solution type
 Files / Links
QuakeML  GSE2.0  Alert  .phi  

  Station data

GR281Y8.7346 P19:06:51.06 -0.51.0A
LTHKHP31.0248 P19:06:55.67 0.61.0A
KRI1HI34.8241 P19:06:55.25 -0.41.0A
RLSHL37.7 44 P19:06:55.08 -1.01.0A
ORTHHL41.2276 P19:06:56.21 -0.41.0A
RTZLHT45.1310 P19:06:57.68 0.41.0A
DROHP50.4 72 P19:06:57.06 -1.01.0A
AMTHP57.3123 P19:06:58.60 -0.61.0A
VLSHL64.5309 P19:06:59.67 -0.61.0A
PLEVHP69.9 18 P19:07:01.32 0.21.0A
ROD3CL84.2 49 P19:07:03.77 0.41.0A
LAKAHA85.7 56 P19:07:03.66 0.11.0A
PDOHP87.2 1 P19:07:04.30 0.51.0A
VVKHP88.2 40 P19:07:03.96 0.01.0A
FSKHP89.0324 P19:07:04.13 0.01.0A
KLVHL90.2 73 P19:07:03.61 -0.71.0A
DIMTCL90.9 58 P19:07:04.61 0.21.0A
EFPHP94.1 43 P19:07:05.25 0.31.0A
PVOHP94.7 19 P19:07:05.76 0.81.0A
ITMHL97.5136 P19:07:05.12 -0.31.0A
TRIZCL100.4 52 P19:07:06.02 0.11.0A
GURHP104.3 82 P19:07:06.18 -0.41.0A
NYDRHT107.9338 P19:07:06.57 -0.51.0A
ANXHP109.0 37 P19:07:07.41 0.21.0A
PYLHP114.2153 P19:07:07.55 -0.41.0A
LKD2HT117.0338 P19:07:08.29 -0.11.0A
GR241Y132.5 42 P19:07:11.29 0.81.0A
GR331Y156.2138 P19:07:15.73 2.11.0A

  Solution details

    Public ID              nkua2024nfcx
      region name: Southern Greece
    Date                   2024-07-06
    Time                  19:06:48.46  +/-    0.2 s
    Latitude              37.8141 deg  +/-      2 km
    Longitude             21.1636 deg  +/-      2 km
    Depth                      10 km
    Agency                 HA
    Mode                   automatic
    Status                 NOT SET
    Residual RMS             0.63 s
    Azimuthal gap              88 deg

2 Network magnitudes:
    MLv       1.93 +/- 0.14  10            
    M         1.93           10 preferred  

28 Phase arrivals:
    sta  net   dist azi  phase   time          res     wt  sta
    GR28  1Y    0.1 346  P       19:06:51.06  -0.5 A  1.0  GR28 
    LTHK  HP    0.3 248  P       19:06:55.67   0.6 A  1.0  LTHK 
    KRI1  HI    0.3 241  P       19:06:55.25  -0.4 A  1.0  KRI1 
    RLS   HL    0.3  44  P       19:06:55.08  -1.0 A  1.0  RLS  
    ORTH  HL    0.4 276  P       19:06:56.21  -0.4 A  1.0  ORTH 
    RTZL  HT    0.4 310  P       19:06:57.68   0.4 A  1.0  RTZL 
    DRO   HP    0.5  72  P       19:06:57.06  -1.0 A  1.0  DRO  
    AMT   HP    0.5 123  P       19:06:58.60  -0.6 A  1.0  AMT  
    VLS   HL    0.6 309  P       19:06:59.67  -0.6 A  1.0  VLS  
    PLEV  HP    0.6  18  P       19:07:01.32   0.2 A  1.0  PLEV 
    ROD3  CL    0.8  49  P       19:07:03.77   0.4 A  1.0  ROD3 
    LAKA  HA    0.8  56  P       19:07:03.66   0.1 A  1.0  LAKA 
    PDO   HP    0.8   1  P       19:07:04.30   0.5 A  1.0  PDO  
    VVK   HP    0.8  40  P       19:07:03.96  -0.0 A  1.0  VVK  
    FSK   HP    0.8 324  P       19:07:04.13   0.0 A  1.0  FSK  
    KLV   HL    0.8  73  P       19:07:03.61  -0.7 A  1.0  KLV  
    DIMT  CL    0.8  58  P       19:07:04.61   0.2 A  1.0  DIMT 
    EFP   HP    0.8  43  P       19:07:05.25   0.3 A  1.0  EFP  
    PVO   HP    0.9  19  P       19:07:05.76   0.8 A  1.0  PVO  
    ITM   HL    0.9 136  P       19:07:05.12  -0.3 A  1.0  ITM  
    TRIZ  CL    0.9  52  P       19:07:06.02   0.1 A  1.0  TRIZ 
    GUR   HP    0.9  82  P       19:07:06.18  -0.4 A  1.0  GUR  
    NYDR  HT    1.0 338  P       19:07:06.57  -0.5 A  1.0  NYDR 
    ANX   HP    1.0  37  P       19:07:07.41   0.2 A  1.0  ANX  
    PYL   HP    1.0 153  P       19:07:07.55  -0.4 A  1.0  PYL  
    LKD2  HT    1.1 338  P       19:07:08.29  -0.1 A  1.0  LKD2 
    GR24  1Y    1.2  42  P       19:07:11.29   0.8 A  1.0  GR24 
    GR33  1Y    1.4 138  P       19:07:15.73   2.1 A  1.0  GR33 

12 Station magnitudes:
    sta  net   dist azi  type   value   res        amp per
    GR28  1Y    0.1 346  MLv     1.69 -0.24    2.35539      
    LTHK  HP    0.3 248  MLv     1.95  0.02    1.18108      
    KRI1  HI    0.3 241  MLv     2.07  0.14    1.26888      
    RLS   HL    0.3  44  MLv     1.71 -0.22   0.466646      
    RTZL  HT    0.4 310  MLv     1.78 -0.15   0.358288      
    DRO   HP    0.5  72  MLv     1.94  0.01   0.799952      
    AMT   HP    0.5 123  MLv     2.21  0.28    0.47774      
    VLS   HL    0.6 309  MLv     1.97  0.03    0.22042      
    PLEV  HP    0.6  18  MLv     1.77 -0.16   0.131358      
    ROD3  CL    0.8  49  MLv     2.33  0.40   0.617746      
    LAKA  HA    0.8  56  MLv     1.90 -0.03   0.149363      
    PDO   HP    0.8   1  MLv     2.04  0.11   0.201371