Kalamata earthquake

South-West Greece


An earthquake of magnitude Mw=5.7 occurred south-west of Greece 00:35 (GMT) on Monday, March 1, 2004. The epicenter was 155 km southwest of Athens, and 25 km north of Kalamata at a depth of about 5 km. The earthquake was felt at the town of Kalamata where some damages were reported.

DateTimeLatitude Longitude DepthMsMwSource
01-03-200400:35:5737.200 N22.175 E5-5.7ATHU


Source Parameters

Seismic MomentPhi_1Dip_1Slip_1Phi_2Dip_2Slip_2Source
3.0 x 102414766-1192037-43USGS


ATHU = Athens University
NOA  = National Observatory of Athens
THE  = University of Thessaloniki
USGS = United States Geological Survey
NEIC = National Earthquake Information Center
HRV  = Harvard University

M = Magnitude
Ml= Local Magnitude
Mw= Moment Magnitude
Mo= Seismic Moment (dyncm)