Iran-Bam Earthquake

South Iran


A strong earthquake of magnitude Mw=6.6 occurred at the South Iran near the city of Bam at 1:56:52 UTC on Friday, December 26, 2003. The epicenter was 975 km SE of Tehran, at a depth of about 10 km. More than 20.000 people were killed and the city of Bam have been destroyed. Electricity and telephones lines are down.

DateTimeLatitude Longitude DepthMsMwSource
26-12-200301:56:5229.000 N58.330 W10-6.6USGS


Source Parameters

Seismic MomentPhi_1Dip_1Slip_1Phi_2Dip_2Slip_2Source
6.6 x 102526488217488178USGS


Source Parameters Determination using teleseismic recordings



More Information


ATHU = Athens University
NOA  = National Observatory of Athens
USGS = United States Geological Survey
NEIC = National Earthquake Information Center
HRV  = Harvard University

Ml= Local Magnitude
Mw= Moment Magnitude
Mo= Seismic Moment (dyncm)

Earthquake modeled by Moshou Alexandra email: