San Simeon Earthquake

Central California


A strong earthquake of magnitude Mw=6.5 occurred on the Central Coast of California at 19:15:56 UTC on Monday, December 22, 2003. The epicenter was 11 km NE of San Simeon, at a depth of about 8 km. Two people were killed and about 40 buildings were collapsed. Severely damaged at Paso Robles which is located about 39 km from the epicenter. At least 40 people were reported to be injured in the Paso Robles-Templeton area.

DateTimeLatitude Longitude DepthMsMwSource
22-12-200319:15:5635.706 N121.102 W8-6.5USGS


Source Parameters

Seismic MomentPhi_1Dip_1Slip_1Phi_2Dip_2Slip_2Source
4.2 x 102511540892975091USGS


Source Parameters Determination using teleseismic recordings



More Information


ATHU = Athens University
NOA  = National Observatory of Athens
USGS = United States Geological Survey
NEIC = National Earthquake Information Center
HRV  = Harvard University

Ml= Local Magnitude
Mw= Moment Magnitude
Mo= Seismic Moment (dyncm)

Earthquake modeled by Moshou Alexandra email: